Calabrese fritters with anchovies

Calabrese fritters with anchovies

La ricetta originale è Crispeddi ca lici crespelle calabresi con le alici, per chi è interessato vedere qui

These fritters with anchovies from Calabria are usually prepared for the meal of the 24th of December, but are actually present on Calabrese tablesoften on days before Christmas. I have used my mother’s recipe and only modified it in regards to the yeast. Instead of using brewer’s yeast, I chose to use mother dough. These fritters, with different names and various fillings, can also be found in the cooking of other Italian regions and are served along with cold cuts and cheeses.

Calabrese fritters with anchovies

crispeddi ca lici1

Dissolve the yeast with some water in a bowl, add the flour and mix well. Continue adding water and a pinch of salt. The consistency of the dough should be similar to that of pizza dough, slightly more liquid and softer. Knead thoroughly for approximately 30 minutes.

crispeddi ca alici

crispeddi ca alici

Cover the dough with a kitchen towel and let it rise for 6 to 8 hours (it will take a bit less if using brewer’s yeast).

crispeddi ca alici

When the dough is ready, grease your hands with some oil and take some dough, place the anchovy fillet inside, shape the dough into a ring or a ball. Fry the fritters in a large amount of hot oil, a little at a time, until golden in color.


Place the fritters on paper towels to absorb the excess oil.

crispeddi ca alici


Serve the Calabrese fritters with anchovies  while hot along with cold cuts and cheeses on the side.

crispeddi ca lici

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5 Responses to Calabrese fritters with anchovies

  1. Audrey

    ummmmm….rubo rubo, a quest’ora e con questa fame che ho sono il top 😉
    un abbraccione e buon week-end cara

  2. maria bruna

    Golosissime queste tue frittelle! me le mangerei tutte! Bravissimaaa
    Un bacione

  3. Luna

    Gulp! Torno dopo un po e cosa ami ritrovo??? Del fritto stupendamente invitante! Wow sei un mito e io mi pappo tutto!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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